[디지털신호처리] Discrete Time Signal Processing Chapter 2 내용 정리 (1)
책 : Discrete Time Signal Processing 3rd Edition - Alan V. Oppenheim, Ronald W. Schafer
impulse function = delta function = unit impulse (δ[n])
δ[n] = 1 (n=0)
unit step은 impulse function의 합 (-무한대 ~ n) (u[n])
u[n] = 1 (n>=0)
discrete signal : sequence of numbers
sample : individual signal value at an index
real exponential : x[n] = Aa^n
sinusoidal : x[n] = cos(w0n+Φ)
Properties of unit impulse (d[n])
1. d[n] plays similar role to d(t) in continuous time
2. any sequence can be written as
3. each impulse’s value corresponds to the signal value of the original discrete-time sequence (x[n])
4. however unlike continuous-time case, we don’t need to deal with infinities or singularity caused by d[t] which made analysis difficult
5. a sequence can be viewed as scaled, shifted and superposed version of unit impulse
6. this representation is a basis for discussion on convolution, filtering and lots of transforms in discrete LTI systems.
exponential signals : x[n]=a^n
it is eigenfunctions to discrete LTI systems.
(a^n -> k*a^n)
if a=e^jw, complex exponential (x[n]=e^jwn) we would have discrete time complex sinusoids.
a complex sinusoid of frequency w : x[n] = Ae^(j(wn+δ)) = |A|cos(wn+δ)+j|A|sin(wn+δ)
sinusoidals in discrete-time (사인 모양으로 움직이는 그래프)
periodic : x[n] = x[n+N] every n for some integer N
difference between continuous/discrete sinusoidal
1. cos[wn] may not be a periodic signal depending on the value of w.
2. different values of w my represent the same signal, in other words, cos[wn] and cos[w’n] may be exactly same signal for w’!=w (w=w’+2πr)
1. in order for cos[w(n+N)] = cos[wn], 모든 n에 대해서 wN=2πk for some integer k. (w는 π가 곱해진 유리수여야 period N)
2. discrete sinusoid cos[wn] for some w’ = w+2πr for any integer r will give cos[w’n]=cos[wn] (w가 0과 2π 또는 -π와 π 사이이면 어떤 sinusoid든지 표현이 가능하다.)
discrete-time systems
discrete input -> system -> discrete output
system operator : T{}
y[n] = T{x[n]}
Attribute of system
memoryless : output depends only on the current value of inputs
linear : scaling(*) + superposition(+)
time-invariant : T{x[n-k]} = y[n-k]
shift to input only causes the same shift to the output
causality : 현재와 과거의 input으로 output이 결정됨.
stability : BIBO(bounded input, bounded output).
finite ouput for finite input
impulse response
output of a system T with respect to an input of unit impulse as the impulse response of the system.
h[n] = T{δ[n]}
impulse reponse can completely specify LTI system.
discrete time LTI systems : linear and time-invariant
y[n] = ~무한 k 부터 무한까지 sigma (x[k]h[n-k])
Example of some LTI system
Delay system : y[n] = x[n-nd]
h[n] = δ[n-nd]
Accumulator : y[n] = k에 대해 –무한대~n sigma (x[k])
h[n] = u[n]
Difference : y[n] = x[n] - x[n-1]
h[n] = δ[n] - δ[n-1]